Kansas Wesleyan University


Read our statement on 认证 by 的 Council on 社会工作 Education’s Commission on 认证.



这 program is offered:

  • 标志

社会工作 Program Mission Statement

To equip baccalaureate level social workers for a lifetime of empower荷兰国际集团(ing) individuals, 家庭, 组, 组织, 和 societies to solve human problems both in 他们的 own communities 和 around 的 world, guided by a person-in-environment framework. To empower 学生 to negotiate 他们的 overall health, well-be荷兰国际集团(ing) 和 resilience proactively 和 intentionally for longevity in 的 field. To develop leaders 和 practitioners who will advance 的 well-be荷兰国际集团(ing) of people, 促进包容, 多样性, equity 和 social justice, 通过教育, 社区参与, interdisciplinary studies, 宣传, leadership 和 lifelong learn荷兰国际集团(ing).

社会工作 Course Descriptions

BSHS 110 Introduction to 社会工作 和 Human Services

这 course introduces 学生 to 的 field of social work 和 human services. The student will gain a basic knowledge of meet荷兰国际集团(ing) human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base which focuses on prevention as well as remediation of problems 和 improv荷兰国际集团(ing) 的 overall quality of life of service populations. The student will develop an underst和荷兰国际集团(ing) of 的 work of social work 和 human services professionals to improve accessibility, accountability 和 coordination among professionals 和 agencies in service delivery. 

SOWK 225 Human Behavior 和 的 Social Environment

这 course is an exploration of how individual characteristics 和 social environments 影响 人类行为. It also covers 的 various ways in which social workers respond to 的se factors in 他们的 effort to change 的 way people behave. 此外,this course 提供了 an overview of human growth 和 development.

SOWK 332 社会工作 with Individuals, Families 和 Groups

这 course 提供了 学生 with an overview of 的 social work practice, 关注个人, 家庭及团体. 像这样, 的 course will provide 学生 with an introduction to 的 variety of interventions with those 组, as well as an opportunity to develop foundational 心理咨询技能. 学生们也会 gain experience work荷兰国际集团(ing) with 和/or participat荷兰国际集团(ing) in 的rapeutic 组

SOWK 342 社会工作 with Communities 和 Organizations

这 course 提供了 学生 with an overview of social work practice within communities 和 组织. 像这样, 的 course introduces 学生 to community organization 和 development practice, both on local 和 international levels. It also includes teach荷兰国际集团(ing)s about 的 多样性 of social service 组织 和 how to provide leadership that promotes effective social work practice.

SOWK 352 Principles of Counsel荷兰国际集团(ing) Practice

这 is a skill development course 重点是 exposure to a variety of counsel荷兰国际集团(ing) techniques 和 提供了 opportunities for roleplay荷兰国际集团(ing) of hypo的tical 的rapy situations. 除了学习 这些基本 心理咨询技能, 学生 will have an opportunity to practice 心理咨询技能 established as 的 national st和ard for substance abuse counselors, be 审查ed 和 examined on those skills  receive train荷兰国际集团(ing) in 的 use of assessment tools. 

SOWK 252 Vicarious Trauma 和 Compassion Fatigue

这门课会有帮助 学生 recognize signs 和 symptoms of compassionfatigue 和 vicarious trauma. 在本课程中, 学生 学会管理 他们的 stress levels 和 increase self-care practices, connect with 的 rewards of 他们的 工作,构建 他们的 resiliency 和 commit to mak荷兰国际集团(ing) successful changes in 寡糖r life 和 future organization. 这 class is a personal exploration to help build 的 self-awareness necessary to manage 的 impact of compassion fatigue 和 vicarious trauma. Please be aware that 的 class work can be emotionally challeng荷兰国际集团(ing). 

SOWK 340 Social Welfare Policy Practice

这 course 提供了 学生 with an overview of social welfare policy in America. 它也会评估 specific social welfare policies 和 practices in 的 context of social justice 和 的 problems which social policy seeks to address nationally 和 internationally. 

sok 140社会正义

这 course 提供了 的 philosophical foundations of social policy. 像这样, it addresses 的 follow荷兰国际集团(ing) questions 和 dilemmas: Does justice require mercy? Should justice dictate a correct way to behave? What would just political institutions look like? If 的re are individual expectations of justice, what about community expectations? 因此,在本课程中, 学生 审查 classical 和 contemporary 的ories of justice while examin荷兰国际集团(ing), 分析, syn的siz荷兰国际集团(ing) 和 justify荷兰国际集团(ing) 他们的 own views 和 apply荷兰国际集团(ing) 的m to contemporary issues. 

SOWK 240 Inequity 和 Stratification

这 course examines 的 economic 多样性 found in 的 United States 和 pays particular attention to 的 three key dimensions of inequality: gender, 种族和阶级. 这 course studies 的 fundamental sources of inequality, as well as 的 consequences that arise in different parts of 的 inequality structure. Students will be expected to take a critical look at how inequality affects 他们的 lives, 他们的 家庭 和 的 communities around 的m,同时也 examin荷兰国际集团(ing) 他们的 own 和 o的rs’ responses to various types of inequality. 


这 class will ideally be preparatory to agency internship experience. The course covers aspects of client management 和 treatment plann荷兰国际集团(ing), 包括筛选, 摄入, assessment 和 referral procedures. 会有 a 审查 of client support systems 和 issues in counsel荷兰国际集团(ing) special populations本课程包括 审查s 的法律, ethical 和 professional growth issues for 的 counselor, an examination of state services 和 treatment trends 和 programm荷兰国际集团(ing)-related issues, particularly in 的 fields of addiction counsel荷兰国际集团(ing) 和 social work. 

SOWK 465 社会工作 Field Experience I

本课程提供 密集的 field experience for social work majors. The sett荷兰国际集团(ing) will be selected by 的 student in cooperation with 的 social work field education coordinator based on 的 student’s interests 和 goals. It includes at least 200 hours in 的 internship over 的 course of one semester for 5 (5) 学分. Students must have met 的 eligibility requirements for 的 social work internship to register in this course.

SOWK 466 社会工作 Senior Seminar I

这 course accompanies 的 first social work internship. It 提供了 an opportunity for 学生 to share 和 learn from 他们的 field placement experiences with each o的r 和 的 field education coordinator. 学生们还 prepare a portfolio in preparation for professional employment 和/or graduate studies. 

SOWK 475 社会工作 Field Experience II

本课程提供 a second 密集的 field experience for social work majors. The sett荷兰国际集团(ing) will be selected by 的 student in cooperation with 的 social work field education coordinator based on 的 student’s interests 和 goals. It includes at least 200 hours in 的 internship over 的 course of one semester for 5 (5) 学分. 位置可能是 in 的 same site as SOWK 460 or a different site, depend荷兰国际集团(ing) on 的 student’s learn荷兰国际集团(ing) needs 和 current career goals. 这 course is taken concurrently with SOWK 476 Senior Seminar II.

SOWK 476 社会工作 Senior Seminar II

这 course accompanies 的 second social work internship. It 提供了 an opportunity for 学生 to share 和 learn from 他们的 field placement experiences with each o的r 和 的 field education coordinator. 学生们还 prepare a portfolio in preparation for professional employment 和/or graduate studies.

社会工作 Program Goals

目标1: The program will prepare generalist social workers to practice in an ethical 和 competent fashion with diverse client populations on both 的 micro 和 macro levels.  

目标2: The program will integrate social work practice with social scientific research through an interdisciplinary learn荷兰国际集团(ing) environment 和 emphasize 的 importance of lifelong learn荷兰国际集团(ing) for both 学生 和 faculty.   

目标3: The program will develop leaders 和 practitioners committed to 的 advancement of human rights 和 social justice through social policy practice 和 o的r forms of 宣传. 

目标4: The program will teach 学生 to integrate 的 relationship between 的ory 和 practice by provid荷兰国际集团(ing) various service-learn荷兰国际集团(ing) projects, strong field education placements 和 leadership development.   

目标5: The program will promote dedication to personal 和 spiritual growth 和 to continuous self-care as an important foundation for 的 social work vocation.  

Policy on Credit for Life, Volunteer or Work Experience

Consistent with 的 Council on 社会工作 Education’s Educational 政策 和 认证 St和ards, 的 社会工作 Program at Kansas Wesleyan University does not grant course or field credit, transfer credit or exemptions for prior life, volunteer or employment experience.